February 15
February 16
h 8.45 – 9.30
h 9.30 – 10.45
Opening Institutional Session
h 9.00 – 11.15
Role of Inland Logistics Platforms
The role of inland logistics platforms, inland ports, intermodal nodes and their connection with ports also in the view of the New Strategic Italian Port and Logistics Plan. The case study of Piacenza.
h 11.15 – 13.00
Motorways of the Sea and Core Network Corridors
New policies supporting Motorways of the Sea and TEN-T Corridors; opportunities related to EU funding infrastructure and ICT systems development for achieving an effective connection between ports and their hinterlands
h 11.45 – 13.00
Inland waterways
The river as a real and efficient alternative to road transport.
Three case studies: Danube, Douro and Po rivers
h 14.00 – 15.30
Technological Innovation for green shipping with a focus on new alternative fuels
Environmental sustainability in the transport and logistics sectors, technological innovation to decrease CO2 emissions, green solutions supported by European Commission and national institutions such as LNG and methanol.
h 14.15 – 16.30
Railway Innovation
The new plan on railway transport and intermodality: technological innovation, interoperability, cross border corridors and environment.
h 16.00 – 18.00
Sustainable Logistics
Innovation, environment, efficiency and business are the fil rouge of sustainable logistics. Case studies and experiences in which a balance has been achieved.